Browser Settings

How do I change my browser settings? (e.g Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome)

Please note that preventing cookies from being created on your browser means that you may experience deterioration in the service you receive such as not being able to access a page you earlier personalised.

For instructions on how to disable cookies on your browser, simply find your browser type and version and follow the easy to use step by step instructions.

Or you can get much more information on cookie policy.

FIREFOX 2.0+ / 3.0+ / 4.0+/8.0+

If you are using Firefox 2.0+ / 3.0+ / 4.0+/ to disable cookies:
Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar
Click on ‘Options’
Click on ‘Privacy Tab’
Disable the box that says ‘Accept Cookies From sites’
To clear existing cookies:
Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar
Click on ‘Options’
Click on ‘Privacy Tab’
Click on “Clear Now”
Select “Cookies”
Click on “Clear Private Data Now”
This procedure will stop sites from installing cookies on your Firefox browser.
Managing Cookies from the Latest Firefox 8.0 Browser.
You can specify your cookie options under Firefox 8.0 by selecting Tools -> Options -> Privacy. On the Privacy box, you can disallows websites from tracking you by checking on the “Tell web site I do not want to be tracked” under Tracking. But even if you are tracked, you can go to the linked “remove individual cooker” which opens up a new dialog box containing the websites and their respective cookie files saved by the browser. You can individually delete the cookies, search for specific cookie or just delete all of the cookie with one click.


– Go to the ‘View’ menu
– Click ‘Options’
– Click ‘Advanced’
– Check the box that says ‘Warn before accepting cookies’
– Find and go into your cookies directory (usually c:\windows\cookies)
– Erase all files in that directory

Once you erase the files, all your cookies are gone, and you will be notified by your browser each time a website attempts to install a cookie in your computer. You are given the choice by the prompt to accept or cancel the cookie installation.


In Internet Explorer 4.0:

– Go to the ‘View’ menu
– Click ‘Internet Options’
– Click ‘Advanced’
– Tick the box that says ‘Prompt before accepting cookies’
– Now go into your cookies directory (usually c:\windows\cookies)
– Delete all the files you have there

Once you delete these files, you will have no more cookies, and you will be prompted each time a website attempts to send a cookie to your system. At that time, you can choose to either ‘Accept’ or ‘Cancel’ the cookie.


Go to the ‘Tools’ menu

– Click on ‘Internet Options’
– Click the ‘Security’ tab
– Highlight the ‘Internet’ zone (selected by default)
– Select security level ‘High’ for this zone
– Click on ‘OK’
– Go into your cookies directory (usually c:\windows\cookies)
– Delete all the files you have there
– Once you delete these files, you will have no more cookies and your browser will no longer send or receive new cookies.


If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0+:

– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar
– Click on ‘Options’
– Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab on top
– Click on ‘Advanced” button
– Select “Prompt” for both “First party cookies” and “Third Party Cookies”
– To delete existing cookies:
– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar
– Click on ‘Options’
– Click on ‘General’ Tab on top
– In “Browsing History” section, click on “Delete”
– Click on “Delete Cookies”
– Your Internet Explorer 7.0 should now be cookie free!


If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0+:

– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar which should drop down then click on ‘Internet Options’
– Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab on top
– Click on ‘Sites’ a new window should open called ‘Per Site Privacy Actions’
– Type in the URL of the site you wish to allow or block cookie in th ‘Address of website’ box
– To delete existing cookies:
– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar which should drop down then click on ‘Internet Options’
– Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab on top
– Click on ‘Sites’ a new window should open called ‘Per Site Privacy Actions’
– Under the “Managed websites’ box should be a list of all the websites you have visited.
– To remove all cookies simply click on the “Remove all” button.
– Your Internet Explorer 8.0 should now be cookie free!


If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) 9.0+:

– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar which should drop down then click on ‘Internet Options’
– Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab on top
– Move the slider up to the ‘Block all Cookies’ button
– Important Notice: Blocking all cookies may prevent you from entering alot of sites.
– The next two Internet Explorer privacy levels, High and Medium High, may be more suitable
– To delete existing cookies:
– Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar which should drop down then click on ‘Internet Options’
– Click on ‘General’ tab which should be under ‘Browsing History’ and click ‘Delete’
– Your Internet Explorer 9.0 should now be cookie free!


If you are using Google Chrome to disable cookies:

– Go to ‘Tools Menu’
– Click on ‘Options’
– Click on ‘Under the Hood’
– Cookie Setting’ should be selected. Once done select ‘Block all Cookies’
– Now all cookies should be blocked on your Google Chrome

To clear existing cookies:

– Go to ‘Tools Menu’
– Click on ‘Options’-
– Click on ‘Under the Hood’
– Under ‘Privacy’ section select “Show Cookies’
– A new window should open called ‘Cookies’ In here you can see all the cookies within your Google Chrome Browser.
– Click on “Remove All” to remove all traces of cookies
– If you wish to only remove a certain cookie, simply highlight and click “Remove”


For Netscape Navigator 3.0 users:

– Go to the ‘Options’ menu
– Click ‘Network Preferences’
– Click ‘Protocols’
– Check the box that says ‘Show an alert before accepting a cookie’
– Find and access your Netscape folder (usually c:\program files\netspace\navigator)
– Delete the file labeled ‘cookies.txt’

If you’re using Windows 95, try using the ‘Find’ feature on the ‘Start’ menu to search for and access the ‘cookies.txt’ file


If you are using Netscape 4.0+:

– Go to ‘Edit’ in the menu bar
– Click on ‘Preferences’
– Click on ‘Advanced’
– Tick the box that says ‘Warn me before accepting a cookie’
– Now go to your ‘Start’ button
– Click on ‘Find’
– Click on ‘Files and Folders’
– Type “cookies.txt” into the search box that appears
– Click ‘Find Now’
– When the search results appear drag all files listed into the ‘Recycle Bin’
– Now shut down and restart Netscape.

Once you delete these files, you will have no more cookies, and you will be prompted each time a website attempts to send a cookie to your system. At that time, you can choose to either ‘Accept’ or ‘Cancel’ the cookie.


If you are using Netscape 6.0+:

– Go to ‘Edit’ in the menu bar
– Click on ‘Preferences’
– Click on ‘Advanced’
– Select the ‘Cookies’ field
– Tick either ‘Warn Me Before Accepting a Cookie’ or ‘Disable Cookies’
– Click on ‘OK’
– Go to your ‘Start’ button
– Click on ‘Find’
– Click on ‘Files and Folders’
– Type “cookies.txt” into the search box that appears
– Click ‘Find Now’
– When the search results appear drag all files listed into the ‘Recycle Bin’
– Now shut down and restart Netscape.

Depending on your earlier choice you will either be prompted by new cookies or no cookies will be set or received